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To provide scholarships for students wanting to work in jobs requiring vocational training.  To maintain a workforce in the Carlsbad community.



1.  Proof of current education level and GPA

2. Household (you, parents, spouse, etc..) income proof and/or last tax form

3.  Eligible for school/desired program


How to Apply:


To apply please return the following to our offices or to your school counselor by February 27th.


1. The attached application 

2. Transcripts 

3. A list of your community involvement 

4. 2 references

5. A one page essay describing in detail your future plans, how this scholarship will help you obtain a trade certificate and lastly, the impact you feel you’ll be able to make on the community.

return to school


Working individual who desires to return to school.



1.  Must maintain GPA of 3.0 or better while in school

2. Must provide tuition statement

3. Be enrolled in program and provide proof of schedule

4. Household (you, parents, spouse, etc..) income proof and/or last tax form


How to Apply:


To apply please return the following to our offices


1. The attached application 

2. Transcripts 

3. A list of your community involvement 

4. 2 references

5. A one page essay describing in detail your future plans, how this scholarship will help you obtain a trade certificate and lastly, the impact you feel you’ll be able to make on the community.

6. Summary of bill from institution.

Kingdom seeker


Someone seeking a degree in ministry.​



1.  Maintain GPA of 3.0 or higher

2. Currently serving Carlsbad  in a ministry capacity 

3. 8 or more volunteer hours weekly in Carlsbad

4. Must provide tuition statement

5. Be enrolled in program and provide proof of schedule


How to Apply:


To apply please return the following to our offices


1. The attached application 

2. Transcripts 

3. A list of your community involvement 

4. 2 references

5. A one page essay describing in detail your future plans, how this scholarship will help you obtain a trade certificate and lastly, the impact you feel you’ll be able to make on the community.

driven senior


A senior who either works outside of school or is involved in extra-curricular school activities



1.  Proof of volunteer hours within community

2. Must provide tuition statement

3. Be enrolled in program and provide proof of schedule

4. Min GPA 2.5 & ACT score of 20 or higher

5. Household (you, parents, spouse, etc..) income proof and/or last tax form.


How to Apply:


To apply please return the following to our offices or to your school counselor by January 15th.


1. The attached application 

2. Transcripts 

3. A list of your community involvement 

4. 2 references

5. A one page essay describing in detail, your educational goals, future plans, and how you plan to use the funds.

6. Proof of enrollment & tuition statement




lgg-cdl Trade school


To provide scholarships for students wanting to work in jobs requiring vocational training.  To maintain a workforce in the Carlsbad community.



1.  Household (you, parents, spouse, etc..) income proof and/or last tax form


How to Apply:


To apply please return the following to our offices or email to by February 27th.


1. 2 references and their contact information

2. The attached application

3. A one page essay describing in detail your future plans, and how you plan on using this scholarship.

© 2017 by the Faith, Hope, & Love Foundation. Carlsbad, NM 88220

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933 N. Canal

Carlsbad, NM 88220

Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur: 9am - 12pm


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