Psalm 119: 82:
My eyes grow weary looking for what you have promised; I ask, "When will you comfort me?"(CSB)
I'm consumed with longings for your promises, so I ask, "When will they come true?" (TPT)
In studying these verses I found myself looking up promises in the bible that are for us and finding that there are many promises in the bible not all are for us to take as our own. If we look at the old testament there are many like the story of Sarah and Abraham in Genesis 18:9-15; 21:1-7. The Lord comes to them and tells Sarah that in a years time he will come back and give her a son. Sarah laughs and asks how she can possibly bear a child in her old age. The lord then in return asks her if there is anything impossible for him. Later in chapter 21 we find the Lord coming to her and fulfilling this promise, Sarah became pregnant even in her old age.
This promise of bearing a son was a specific promise to Sarah. There are many stories of how the Lord fulfills promises to His people. In reading these testimonies it may be easy for us to pick and choose which promise we want for our lives. The word doesn't work that way, we don't get to pick and choose what applies and doesn't apply to our life. What promises we want as our own for the Lord to fulfill to us. Just as we don't look at scripture that call us to obedience and choose what we want to do and leave the rest alone.
There are principles as well that can be blurred as promises to us. Proverbs is full of principles which are general truths and help us walk in the way we should go whereas promises are fulfilled. I read a great example from a bible and theology article written by Jen Wilkin that stated "The principle of “train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it” (Prov. 22:6) is generally true and wise to heed. But it is not a guarantee that every child raised with godly instruction will become a believer in Jesus." The bible is full of principles that we should glean wisdom from. There are stories of promises fulfilled specific to that person at a specific time these are to encourage us and remind us of the character of the Lord.
I think that there are promises specific to us that the Lord will fulfill. We may know what they are or present them to Him wanting him to fulfill them right away. The challenge is placing them before Him and trusting His timing. I will say it will more than likely always look different than what we expect but will always be way better than we could ever expect. There are also promises to his covenant people that are for us to take hold of. Here are few that were listed:
He promises to give us wisdom if we ask (James 1:5).
He promises to provide a way out of temptation (1 Cor. 10:13).
He promises that our salvation is secure, no matter what (John 10:28–29).
He promises to never leave us nor forsake us (Heb. 13:5).
He promises to finish the good work he has begun in us (Phil. 1:6).
He promises to come back (Luke 12:40)
A challenge for you this week would be to ask the Lord what his promises are to you. Wait on him as he begins to reveal those to you and trust his timing.
My prayer for you:
Father, thank you for the promises you have given to your covenant people. They are steadfast and sure, Lord would you begin to reveal your promises to us individually and specifically. We trust you and your timing, it is not our own. Help us to be obedient in the waiting. Cause us to see the beauty in the waiting and deepen our understanding of your character toward us. Thank you for fulfilling your promises to us. In Jesus Holy and precious name